With Dings app you can add more fun to your events and even turn boring tasks into a funny game.
Willkommen zum FAQ des Dings Universums. Für jegliche Art von Fragen benutze bitte die nachfolgende Suchleiste, um eine schnelle Antwort zu finden. Du kannst ebenfalls die unteren farbigen Kästchen drücken, um zwischen den verschiedenen Kategorien mit dementsprechenden Fragen zu wechseln. Unser Team bemüht sich, seinen Benutzern alle wichtigen Informationen über Ideen und Funktionen rund um Dings zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Dings ist eine Spiele-Plattform, die anhand von intelligente Algorithmen und soziale Netzwerke den Spaßfaktor deiner Events erhöht!
Der Zugang zu Dings ist mit allen Geräten möglich (z.B.: Smartphone, PC, Laptop, Smart TV, etc.), und du kannst sogar Freunde einladen, um zusammen zu spielen!
Das Wort "Dings" stammt von dem Deutschen Wort "Ding" und kann somit als "etwas" definiert werden.
Dieses Wort kann sowohl als Substantiv eingesetzt werden (z.B.: Wieviele Dings hast du bereits?), aber auch als Verbform (z.B.: Kannst du für mich dingsen?).
Mit der Flexibilität unserer Dings Plattform, ist es nämlich möglich alles zu dingsen!.
Dings aims to become The Smart Gamification Platform. In fact, Dings offers features to enable smart gamification for any kind of event or interaction.
It is our plan to extend around the world and offer our Smart Gamification algorithm to our Players for free usage such as to augment the fun in their interactions!
Example: You want to make our planet, a better place to live? Make a game of it! Dings gives you the ability to make a game out of any cause, event or interaction!
Dings has the potential to add more FUN to your causes, events and interactions.
With Dings, you will be happy about reading a book as much as you will be happy about planting trees again.
Life is Game! With Dings, it is Your Life, so it is also Your Game!
Being a sponsor of a Dings game, you may see your numbers grow faster!
In fact, Dings pushes sponsored games to the biggest audience. As a sponsor, you will also be placed on top of all games lists.
Also, games that are sponsored can pick their own banners, Dings images and setup branded landing pages.
Dings publishes a RESTful API which is compatible with OAuth 2.0 authentication.
With our API, it is possible to integrate fully with the Dings experience. Thus, you can provide with your own branded Dings games (See Partnership).
Dings is also available for developers and teams with a dedicated sandbox environment made available for our partners.
Definition: the process of checking in an action on the Dings platform.
This word can be used as a noun (e.g.: How many Dings do you have?) or as a verb (e.g.: Can you Dings for me?).
Definition: the process of adding games or gamelike elements to something (such as a task) so as to encourage participation.
The word refers to the incorporation of game elements, like point and reward systems, to tasks as incentives for people to participate.
If you are hosting a digital event, you can use our app to have better interaction with your audience.
This feature is the ultimate way to keep your audience engaged!
You can get live statistics of how your audience are interacting.
Here you also have unlimited possibilities.
Use the app in music virtual parties and have your audience Dings their drinks. The party will be virtual, but the drinking will be real!
You can also use Dings Digi-parties to get quick responses from the audience, or to just know how much they are linking your content at a specific moment.
This feature is only available for selected users.
If you will be hosting a digital party, you can send us a short brief of the event. We will contact qualified hosts and give them access to this feature for free.
Wir neue Freunde!